If this website empowers you in any way and you feel like giving towards it's future development, please use the donation button below to contribute. I do this because it is something I am extremely devoted to and believe in and live to the best of my ability. However, I am limited in many ways of really making this become what I see. Anybody that wants to contribute money, time, energy, ideas, constructive criticism, images, news, updates, web design expertise, logo design, or anything else, I will appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.
Right now I am going to school full time to learn more about these subjects, am planning on attending a graduate school for Humane Education, am raising my daughter while trying to instill these values in her, am building this website, as well offering Online Life Coaching services on a donation basis. I live learning about this lifestyle and advocating it to others.
Your thoughts, comment, support, empowerment, suggestions, time, energy and money are all greatly appreciated.
Right now I am going to school full time to learn more about these subjects, am planning on attending a graduate school for Humane Education, am raising my daughter while trying to instill these values in her, am building this website, as well offering Online Life Coaching services on a donation basis. I live learning about this lifestyle and advocating it to others.
Your thoughts, comment, support, empowerment, suggestions, time, energy and money are all greatly appreciated.
Copyright © 2013 Soul Our Power