Current and Historical Boycotts
Boycotts are a powerful, effective, nonviolent approach to successful change around the world. When we give up material items and conveniences for the sake of a greater purpose such as liberty and equality for all people it sends a powerful message to everyone around us. The more people that join in on one boycott the more powerful it becomes. It is more effective than going through courts, through political systems or even protesting. It gives you all the power when you decide what you are going to do with your time, money, and energy without causing violence to others. Below are lists of things you can boycott currently alone and with your community. Speak out about the reasons you are boycotting but don't make others feel like they have to join you. Find creative ways to educate people without evangelizing them. For ideas, I've also included a list of historical boycotts so you can glean ideas of how to approach these subjects and be a leader for change and peace. If you have any boycotts you know of that led to successful change, please email me with accurate information and links and I will post it below.
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