Symbiotic Awareness
I'm an activist/non-activist. What I mean is that I am an activist in my own way, but not an activist in the way everybody is used to hearing like with Greenpeace or other similar organizations. I study a lot of different issues like social and environmental rights that effect everybody in the United States and around the world. Then I look for ways I can change who I am to better the world through my personal actions. I call this Symbiotic Awareness.
Symbiotic Awareness is a term I use to define how I see the world and the lifestyle that I live from that perspective. It is a combination of wisdom, knowledge, compassion, and accountability. Through these methods I work on cleaning up my own life on a inner and outer level. Through that personal work I change the world around me. It's from this perspective that the most change will come to our families and communities where we live and dwell on a day-to-day basis. This is where we feel our misery and happiness the most intensely. So it is the best place for us to work on the world.
I want to help people have happier lives so that they'll feel more productive and empowered to deal with the problems in their lives and in their communities. This website is for that purpose of helping educate others on the emotional and behavioral aspects to bring them the results they desire. Many people are looking for acknowledgement, true love, wealth, happiness, security, and other similar things.
Once you learn how to incorporate all these ideas and work on them from the root level, your life naturally begins to sprout the fruit of your desires so to speak. But to truly feel fulfilled, your desires have to be set up in such a way that is reciprocal to you and those around you. It's much the same as Indigenous Tribes recognize in their culture, or we've all heard the term Karma, or in Christianity Jesus is quoted as saying to treat others as you wish to be treated, or love your neighbor as yourself, the Golden Rule and so on.
This spiritual principle is also supported in the science of psychology. What we see in others is what we see in ourselves, good or bad. Much of the time we only reflect on this in a face-value format which causes a lot of confusion and limits understanding on how to truly apply spiritual or scientific principles such as the Golden Rule. With this confusion, we also end up with a tangled web of understanding, which we tend to numb out and turn away from through various methods of self-medicating and blame.
What I hope to present to you through this website is how to overcome this confusion through the methods I mentioned previously - wisdom, knowledge, compassion, and accountability. Through balance and moderation in all parts of your life, you will learn how to have a lifestyle that matches your deepest desires of being loved and accepted as an individual, rather than love and accepted as a person that conforms to other's ideas of what you ought to be.
With balance and moderation you also work a lot less on everything! When you deal with extremes, its a lot harder to get back to center. But if you always stay in the general vicinity of center, it takes just a little tweaking to move back there when things get out of whack.
If you want more information, please explore this website. If you want one-on-one coaching, please contact me.
Symbiotic Awareness is a term I use to define how I see the world and the lifestyle that I live from that perspective. It is a combination of wisdom, knowledge, compassion, and accountability. Through these methods I work on cleaning up my own life on a inner and outer level. Through that personal work I change the world around me. It's from this perspective that the most change will come to our families and communities where we live and dwell on a day-to-day basis. This is where we feel our misery and happiness the most intensely. So it is the best place for us to work on the world.
I want to help people have happier lives so that they'll feel more productive and empowered to deal with the problems in their lives and in their communities. This website is for that purpose of helping educate others on the emotional and behavioral aspects to bring them the results they desire. Many people are looking for acknowledgement, true love, wealth, happiness, security, and other similar things.
Once you learn how to incorporate all these ideas and work on them from the root level, your life naturally begins to sprout the fruit of your desires so to speak. But to truly feel fulfilled, your desires have to be set up in such a way that is reciprocal to you and those around you. It's much the same as Indigenous Tribes recognize in their culture, or we've all heard the term Karma, or in Christianity Jesus is quoted as saying to treat others as you wish to be treated, or love your neighbor as yourself, the Golden Rule and so on.
This spiritual principle is also supported in the science of psychology. What we see in others is what we see in ourselves, good or bad. Much of the time we only reflect on this in a face-value format which causes a lot of confusion and limits understanding on how to truly apply spiritual or scientific principles such as the Golden Rule. With this confusion, we also end up with a tangled web of understanding, which we tend to numb out and turn away from through various methods of self-medicating and blame.
What I hope to present to you through this website is how to overcome this confusion through the methods I mentioned previously - wisdom, knowledge, compassion, and accountability. Through balance and moderation in all parts of your life, you will learn how to have a lifestyle that matches your deepest desires of being loved and accepted as an individual, rather than love and accepted as a person that conforms to other's ideas of what you ought to be.
With balance and moderation you also work a lot less on everything! When you deal with extremes, its a lot harder to get back to center. But if you always stay in the general vicinity of center, it takes just a little tweaking to move back there when things get out of whack.
If you want more information, please explore this website. If you want one-on-one coaching, please contact me.
(next) Minimalism
I. Personal
a. Emotional Intelligence
b. Individuality
c. Language and Semantics
d. Diplomacy
e. Addiction
f. Self reliance
g. Health, Blog
h. Self management and control
i. Living minimally
j. Opening for full expression and love
k. Quick Tips, Tricks, and Remedies
II. Social
a. Interconnected relationships, blog
b. Effective communication
c. Leadership and representation
d. Online communication; Technology etiquette
e. Family, friends, co-workers and colleagues. Parenting blog, teens blog, teens page, another teen blog
f. Community and community blog, and society, blog for women
g. Native Americans (list will be expanding)
h. Dating and romantic relationships
III. Animals (blog)
a. Domestic pets
b. Stock animals and farms
c. Food source
d. Research animals
e. Entertainment (competition, shows, racing, fighting)
IV. Environment
a. Individual (tips to reduce) Local business and Farmer's Markets
b. Social (pollution & toxins blog)
c. Mass Media and Marketing
d. Capitalism
e. Globalization
f. Politics, petitions,
V. Help wanted/Activism
a. Passion
b. Boycotts, another environmental blog
c. Use Your Voice
d. Create for Change blog
e. DIY
VI. Links
a. Emotional Intelligence
b. Individuality
c. Language and Semantics
d. Diplomacy
e. Addiction
f. Self reliance
g. Health, Blog
h. Self management and control
i. Living minimally
j. Opening for full expression and love
k. Quick Tips, Tricks, and Remedies
II. Social
a. Interconnected relationships, blog
b. Effective communication
c. Leadership and representation
d. Online communication; Technology etiquette
e. Family, friends, co-workers and colleagues. Parenting blog, teens blog, teens page, another teen blog
f. Community and community blog, and society, blog for women
g. Native Americans (list will be expanding)
h. Dating and romantic relationships
III. Animals (blog)
a. Domestic pets
b. Stock animals and farms
c. Food source
d. Research animals
e. Entertainment (competition, shows, racing, fighting)
IV. Environment
a. Individual (tips to reduce) Local business and Farmer's Markets
b. Social (pollution & toxins blog)
c. Mass Media and Marketing
d. Capitalism
e. Globalization
f. Politics, petitions,
V. Help wanted/Activism
a. Passion
b. Boycotts, another environmental blog
c. Use Your Voice
d. Create for Change blog
e. DIY
VI. Links
Copyright © 2014 Soul Our Power