Diet and Health
What you eat on a daily basis effects your health, mental state, emotions, finances, health, and the environment. Who knew eating a banana could have such far reaching effects! Although this seems overwhelming to realize there is a reverse effect as well. You can use this to maximize reducing your impact on the environment, health bills, and politics. Once you flip this concept in your mind, suddenly deciding what to buy and use at the store starts to feel empowering. When you realize that the diet you are on, if done a certain way, is also helping the environment and serious political issues, then it gets easier to deny yourself those chocolate GMO donuts and choose to be fit and healthy.
Learning a minimalist lifestyle doesn't mean you don't have nice things or money, it just means you learn to make the most of what you have, while still being able to contribute other people or issues. In this way you can find joy about adopting a better diet, and as you adopt a better diet, your body and brain function increase which help you to feel even better. The benefits just keep maximizing upon themselves in this way and it can lead you to a whole different lifestyle.
Most people struggle with changing their diets because it seems expensive, time consuming, and difficult to stick with, or they have failed too many times before. However, if you learn the the trick of transitioning slowly, you won't set yourself up to fail. No matter what kind of change you are going through, it takes time to build up from what you have to what you want. Except for more extreme circumstances like winning the lottery or a car accident, everything is done within its own rhythm.
You have your own rhythm to life. Once you start becoming aware of it, you can learn to address the issues keeping you from succeeding on a healthy diet. Also, learning what leverage works for you will help you succeed. Everybody has different things that work for their leverage, so you'll need to find yours. Then you just need to understand that by taking this day by day, with a goal in mind, you will start achieve success a little at a time. How long it takes to get from one mile stone to the next is completely up to you.
If your health is poor, then you need to know that organic, raw whole food is fast becoming the number one healer in illness and disease. Every issues I research resorts back to an herb, vegetable, fruit or water for its remedy. If you would like to start having more energy, more mental capability, and stamina though out the day, start switching out your foods one by one from GMO to organic and from packaged or canned goods to raw whole foods. This is quite a leap if you rely heavily on fast food and anything in any kind of package. You are having to give up your favorite foods, pay higher prices, and learn more about food than you ever knew before. However, the benefits outweigh the costs when you realize that you will feel better, think better, move better. You will end up spending less in the long run because your health will be monumentally better. You'll need less doctor visits and prescriptions and devices. You will feel amazing. On top of that, the less packaging you use for food and transporting groceries from the store, the less that goes into our landfills or blows around in our streets and parks. Many companies that are in the organic business are usually world minded in their practices and so are good places to support instead of greedy corporations that do not care at all. But if at all possible, local farmers are the best way to go to support your community and keep from corporate take over.
Many people are already switching over to these practices and already understand the importance of each one of us contributing to a better world. However, there are still many of us that are struggling to make the switch due to set backs and other issues going on in our lives. It doesn't matter where you at, but try to find others that are like-minded with you. Maybe that means you are mentoring other people to switch their diets. Maybe you help someone find a detox that will help them overcome alcoholism or some similar addiction. We all need each other right now, so lets help each other.
If you would like to receive one on one support with switching your diet over to an organic whole food diet, please contact me on my Life Coaching website Soul Our Power.
Learning a minimalist lifestyle doesn't mean you don't have nice things or money, it just means you learn to make the most of what you have, while still being able to contribute other people or issues. In this way you can find joy about adopting a better diet, and as you adopt a better diet, your body and brain function increase which help you to feel even better. The benefits just keep maximizing upon themselves in this way and it can lead you to a whole different lifestyle.
Most people struggle with changing their diets because it seems expensive, time consuming, and difficult to stick with, or they have failed too many times before. However, if you learn the the trick of transitioning slowly, you won't set yourself up to fail. No matter what kind of change you are going through, it takes time to build up from what you have to what you want. Except for more extreme circumstances like winning the lottery or a car accident, everything is done within its own rhythm.
You have your own rhythm to life. Once you start becoming aware of it, you can learn to address the issues keeping you from succeeding on a healthy diet. Also, learning what leverage works for you will help you succeed. Everybody has different things that work for their leverage, so you'll need to find yours. Then you just need to understand that by taking this day by day, with a goal in mind, you will start achieve success a little at a time. How long it takes to get from one mile stone to the next is completely up to you.
If your health is poor, then you need to know that organic, raw whole food is fast becoming the number one healer in illness and disease. Every issues I research resorts back to an herb, vegetable, fruit or water for its remedy. If you would like to start having more energy, more mental capability, and stamina though out the day, start switching out your foods one by one from GMO to organic and from packaged or canned goods to raw whole foods. This is quite a leap if you rely heavily on fast food and anything in any kind of package. You are having to give up your favorite foods, pay higher prices, and learn more about food than you ever knew before. However, the benefits outweigh the costs when you realize that you will feel better, think better, move better. You will end up spending less in the long run because your health will be monumentally better. You'll need less doctor visits and prescriptions and devices. You will feel amazing. On top of that, the less packaging you use for food and transporting groceries from the store, the less that goes into our landfills or blows around in our streets and parks. Many companies that are in the organic business are usually world minded in their practices and so are good places to support instead of greedy corporations that do not care at all. But if at all possible, local farmers are the best way to go to support your community and keep from corporate take over.
Many people are already switching over to these practices and already understand the importance of each one of us contributing to a better world. However, there are still many of us that are struggling to make the switch due to set backs and other issues going on in our lives. It doesn't matter where you at, but try to find others that are like-minded with you. Maybe that means you are mentoring other people to switch their diets. Maybe you help someone find a detox that will help them overcome alcoholism or some similar addiction. We all need each other right now, so lets help each other.
If you would like to receive one on one support with switching your diet over to an organic whole food diet, please contact me on my Life Coaching website Soul Our Power.