Grist recently published an article about wine companies getting permission to chop down 80 year old Redwood trees in order to make way for vineyards. We can argue about how wrong this is for the environment or how right it is for the economy or we can just do what is right for the sake of everyone on this planet. The fact is, trees are needed and the Redwood forests are getting smaller and smaller.
When you choose not to buy products for the sake of principle, you not only stand up for that particular issue, in this case Redwoods, but you're also standing up for other issues like the Rain Forests in South America and in other countries. We are losing trees around the world at an alarming rate. We all know this, but did you know it is caused by consumer demand? Companies study us to see what we want and will buy. The more we buy a product the more they want to give it to us because it makes them rich! And the forests lose out. And eventually, we all lose out as resources get used up and depleted, the environment can no longer maintain it's pristine state, and our air and water get more polluted to the point where it's causing sickness.
Stand up for life by deciding more carefully which products you buy. You don't have to have it all figured out right now, but just a step in the right direction will send you on your way to a happier, healthier life for you and others.
Please read the article for more information and consider buying from vineyards that are not tipping the scales towards environmental destruction.
Grist's article is here.
Here is a list of eco-friendly vineyards that you might want to choose from. Have a eco-friendly wine-tasting party and see which wines you like best while hanging out with some best buds or new acquaintances.
Here is a guide from Earth911.com to help you know how to pick a good organic wine.
Ultimately, if you want to really help with the issues on this planet, minimalizing your life if the best route. It doesn't mean you can't have wine ever again, but if you find yourself drinking 5 times a week at excessive amounts, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to pair that down to 4 nights, and then 3 nights and so on. This not only helps the environment, but it also helps your health and your budget to have things in moderation.
If you find you are addicted to alcohol, please consider seeking help. Most of the United States is addicted to something because it's part of the culture to consume at high rates. No one should feel ashamed anymore as addiction is everywhere. If you can recognize it in your life, you should be proud of yourself. And then be courageous and start considering ways you can change it. Your life will be so much happier when you realize you don't have to be a slave to something that has taken over your life!
You can join AA meetings, go to therapy, seek counseling, or research on the internet about addictions and how to overcome them. There are many ways to go about changing your life. I also offer donation based, online Life coaching for anyone that just wants to talk or vent about things but not through conventional routes. I will offer unbiased support, advice, and my intuitive listening time to be there for you. I am a certified Life Coach but not a licensed therapist or counselor. You can visit me at my homepage Soulourpower.com.
When you choose not to buy products for the sake of principle, you not only stand up for that particular issue, in this case Redwoods, but you're also standing up for other issues like the Rain Forests in South America and in other countries. We are losing trees around the world at an alarming rate. We all know this, but did you know it is caused by consumer demand? Companies study us to see what we want and will buy. The more we buy a product the more they want to give it to us because it makes them rich! And the forests lose out. And eventually, we all lose out as resources get used up and depleted, the environment can no longer maintain it's pristine state, and our air and water get more polluted to the point where it's causing sickness.
Stand up for life by deciding more carefully which products you buy. You don't have to have it all figured out right now, but just a step in the right direction will send you on your way to a happier, healthier life for you and others.
Please read the article for more information and consider buying from vineyards that are not tipping the scales towards environmental destruction.
Grist's article is here.
Here is a list of eco-friendly vineyards that you might want to choose from. Have a eco-friendly wine-tasting party and see which wines you like best while hanging out with some best buds or new acquaintances.
Here is a guide from Earth911.com to help you know how to pick a good organic wine.
Ultimately, if you want to really help with the issues on this planet, minimalizing your life if the best route. It doesn't mean you can't have wine ever again, but if you find yourself drinking 5 times a week at excessive amounts, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to pair that down to 4 nights, and then 3 nights and so on. This not only helps the environment, but it also helps your health and your budget to have things in moderation.
If you find you are addicted to alcohol, please consider seeking help. Most of the United States is addicted to something because it's part of the culture to consume at high rates. No one should feel ashamed anymore as addiction is everywhere. If you can recognize it in your life, you should be proud of yourself. And then be courageous and start considering ways you can change it. Your life will be so much happier when you realize you don't have to be a slave to something that has taken over your life!
You can join AA meetings, go to therapy, seek counseling, or research on the internet about addictions and how to overcome them. There are many ways to go about changing your life. I also offer donation based, online Life coaching for anyone that just wants to talk or vent about things but not through conventional routes. I will offer unbiased support, advice, and my intuitive listening time to be there for you. I am a certified Life Coach but not a licensed therapist or counselor. You can visit me at my homepage Soulourpower.com.