You probably remember this sweet face circulating in the news back in September. Puppy Doe was tortured, abused and had to be euthanized because her injuries were so great. Apparently police have made an arrest and have charged the suspect on 11 counts of animal abuse.
For the full story from One Green Planet click on Puppy Doe below.
Puppy Doe
For the full story from One Green Planet click on Puppy Doe below.
Puppy Doe
Animal abuse statistics:
Most Common VictimsIn media-reported animal cruelty cases, dogs—and pit bull-type dogs, in particular—are the most common victims of animal cruelty. Of 1,880 cruelty cases* reported in the media in 2007:
Reported abuse against pit bull-type dogs appears to be on the rise: in 2000–2001, pit bull-type dogs were involved in 13% of reported dog-abuse cases; in 2007, they were involved in 25% of reported dog-abuse cases.*some cases involved multiple species
These facts were taken from the Humane Society website, for more information please view their webpage on statistics.
Signs a person might be abusing animals:
Domestic violence or abusive partners can be a sign of animal abuse. According to the Humane Society's webpage on domestic violence, "Government data scholarly studies of the prevalence of animal cruelty in domestic violence cases reveals a staggering number of animals are victimized by abusive partners each year.The HSUS estimates that nearly 1 million animals a year are abused or killed in connection with domestic violence." To see the rest of the article and statistics click here.
According to, here are a few signs you might see on an animal:
Possible signs of animal cruelty
How can you tell if an animal is being abused? Look for these signs:
What to do if you think someone is abusing animals:
Understanding why people abuse animals:
How you can help:
Being compassionate:
Educating others:
Look for ways to stand against other types of animal cruelty:
Most Common VictimsIn media-reported animal cruelty cases, dogs—and pit bull-type dogs, in particular—are the most common victims of animal cruelty. Of 1,880 cruelty cases* reported in the media in 2007:
- 64.5% (1,212) involved dogs
- 18% (337) involved cats
- 25% (470) involved other animals
Signs a person might be abusing animals:
Domestic violence or abusive partners can be a sign of animal abuse. According to the Humane Society's webpage on domestic violence, "Government data scholarly studies of the prevalence of animal cruelty in domestic violence cases reveals a staggering number of animals are victimized by abusive partners each year.The HSUS estimates that nearly 1 million animals a year are abused or killed in connection with domestic violence." To see the rest of the article and statistics click here.
According to, here are a few signs you might see on an animal:
Possible signs of animal cruelty
How can you tell if an animal is being abused? Look for these signs:
- Sores, cuts, bruises or nicks on the animal's body
- Patches of missing fur
- The animal is extremely thin
- The animal is limping or can't walk
- Witnessing an owner hitting or beating an animal
What to do if you think someone is abusing animals:
Understanding why people abuse animals:
How you can help:
Being compassionate:
Educating others:
Look for ways to stand against other types of animal cruelty:
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